
Coronavirus (COVID-19): How I Am Feeling About It As A Type 1 Diabetic

I decided to do a post right now, rather spontaneously. Although my time and attention have been elsewhere in my life,  I am glad to find myself posting again on Red Sugar Life. I most certainly haven’t forgotten about my Red Sugar Life, I live it everyday! With the progression of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the world right now, things are hectic in so many ways, some inconceivable.

What’s Going On?

I don’t know if I have a lot to say at this moment in time. This Coronavirus pandemic and its effects on society as whole is a historical global event, and the magnanimity of it all is well…magnanimous. The overall energy surrounding this is very big, chaotic, and uncertain.  The effects of all of this are not only present on a mass scale, but in deeply personal ways with people too, some of which I think were/are unexpected.

I just want to express some of my sentiments here in a safe space of mine. Like many people out there, I am affected by this pandemic. Things are overwhelming both physically and spiritually/energetically. There are also outside factors that are stressful for me (shortages, shutdowns, increasing scarcity in goods/supplies, the uncertainty in how this is all being handled, etc.). I also have concerns about this pandemic and my Type 1 diabetes, not only because I rely on life-preserving medication and supplies everyday in order to live, but because my immune system is already compromised due to Type 1 diabetes being an autoimmune disease. In addition to what I already do to stay safe, I am more vigilant and careful, but I am still more susceptible to illness than those without autoimmune conditions.

I Continue On

Even with all of this, I can say that I still have my sense of inner peace and balance, and I feel that I will persevere. I am leaning on my own inner strength and faith to get through this very tough time in life. I refuse to succumb to worry and fear, as hard as it may be right now. I do my best to avoid getting flooded with the continuous torrents of negative/sensationalistic media regarding this pandemic and related issues. Doing so helps my peace of mind and well-being.

One Day At A Time

I am taking things one day at a time and remaining within the positive and peaceful spaces within myself, being sure to practice self-care and self-preservation as I continue on in my Red Sugar Life!


Be well,


Update In 2021

I am still here, even as the pandemic continues. Life has had its ups and downs and this year has certainly been quite the year for me. Many things have changed, and–well…this was the part where I say “oh some things stay the same…” but NOPE! I have made a MAJOR overhaul in my life and many things (I am happy to say) are actually NOT the same for me! One thing that hasn’t changed though, is my perseverance and my zest for life. It is still strong as ever. Yay!

As always,

Be well.

red sugar life, luna, type1.5 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, mixed type diabete, diabetes, blood sugar levels, blood sugar, blood glucose levels, blood glucose, sun, Arrmioralla Perpettua